Besuchen Sie St. Malo in ein paar Tagen

St. Malo ist eine wunderschöne historische Stadt im Nordwesten Frankreichs und ein beliebtes Reiseziel für Touristen aus aller Welt. Hier sind ein paar Vorschläge für einen erlebnisreichen Aufenthalt in St. Malo:

  1. Intramuros: Besichtigen Sie die alte Stadtmauer von St. Malo, die auch als Intramuros bekannt ist. Die Mauer umgibt die Altstadt und bietet einen atemberaubenden Blick auf die Umgebung.
  2. Kathedrale St. Vincent: Die Kathedrale St. Vincent ist eines der bekanntesten Wahrzeichen von St. Malo und ein Muss für alle Geschichtsinteressierten. Die Kathedrale ist im gotischen Stil erbaut und bietet eine einzigartige Architektur sowie eine reiche Geschichte.
  3. Strände: St. Malo ist berühmt für seine schönen Strände und seine Lage an der Küste. Verbringen Sie einen Nachmittag damit, die Strände zu erkunden und zu entspannen.
  4. Grand Bé: Besichtigen Sie den Grand Bé, eine kleine Insel vor der Küste von St. Malo. Die Insel ist ein beliebter Ort für Spaziergänge und bietet eine atemberaubende Aussicht auf die Umgebung.
  5. Kulinarisches Angebot: Probieren Sie die lokale Küche in St. Malo, einschließlich frischer Meeresfrüchte und anderer traditioneller Gerichte.

Dies sind nur einige der vielen Dinge, die man in St. Malo tun kann. Verbringen Sie ein paar Tage in der Stadt, um alle Sehenswürdigkeiten und Aktivitäten zu erkunden.

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Weekend in Sarlat-la-Canéda

Sarlat-la-Canéda is a beautiful town located in the heart of the Dordogne region of southwestern France. With its rich history, stunning architecture, and stunning natural scenery, Sarlat-la-Canéda is a must-visit destination for those seeking a relaxed and charming getaway. Here’s a guide for a weekend in Sarlat-la-Canéda:

Day 1

  1. Explore the town’s historical center: Start your day by exploring the charming streets of Sarlat-la-Canéda’s old town, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Admire the stunning architecture of the town’s historic buildings and admire the various architectural styles, including Gothic, Renaissance, and Romanesque.
  2. Visit the Sarlat-la-Canéda Market: In the morning, take a stroll through the bustling Sarlat-la-Canéda market, where you’ll find a variety of local produce, artisanal cheeses, and other specialties.
  3. Visit the Sarlat-la-Canéda Museum: Next, head to the Sarlat-la-Canéda Museum, which showcases the history of the town and the surrounding area. The museum is housed in an impressive Renaissance building and is an excellent place to learn about the region’s rich heritage.
  4. Explore the caves of Lascaux: In the afternoon, take a short drive to the caves of Lascaux, one of the world’s most important prehistoric art sites. The caves are home to over 600 wall paintings and drawings, which offer a fascinating glimpse into the world of the prehistoric people who lived in the area.

The Lascaux caves

The Lascaux caves are a series of prehistoric caves located near the town of Sarlat-la-Canéda in southwestern France. The caves contain some of the earliest known examples of prehistoric art, dating back over 15,000 years. The original caves were discovered in 1940 by a group of local teenagers, and since then, the caves have become a major tourist attraction, drawing visitors from around the world to see their remarkable paintings and other works of art.

Today, visitors to the Lascaux caves can explore a replica of the caves, which was created using exact replicas of the original art and other features of the caves. The replica offers visitors an opportunity to experience the unique beauty and historical significance of the original caves, while also preserving the delicate and fragile ecosystem of the original site.

Whether you’re an art lover, a history buff, or simply someone who appreciates the beauty of the natural world, a visit to the Lascaux caves is sure to be a memorable experience. So if you’re planning a trip to Sarlat-la-Canéda, make sure to include a visit to this incredible site on your itinerary!

More :

Day 2

  1. Visit the Domme: Start your day with a visit to the town of Domme, which is located just a short drive from Sarlat-la-Canéda. Domme is a charming hilltop town that offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside and is home to several historic buildings and monuments.
  2. Take a scenic drive: After your visit to Domme, take a scenic drive through the Dordogne region, which is known for its rolling hills, dense forests, and charming villages. Along the way, stop to admire the stunning views and take in the peaceful countryside.
  3. Visit the Château de Beynac: In the afternoon, visit the Château de Beynac, a magnificent medieval castle that is located just a short drive from Sarlat-la-Canéda. The castle offers breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside and is an excellent place to learn about the history of the region.
  4. Enjoy a gourmet dinner: After a busy day of exploring, unwind with a delicious dinner at one of Sarlat-la-Canéda’s many excellent restaurants. The town is famous for its rich and flavorful cuisine, which is made with local ingredients and traditional recipes.

This is just a brief guide for a weekend in Sarlat-la-Canéda. Whether you’re interested in history, culture, or natural beauty, there is something for everyone in this charming town.

Quelques jours à Bristol en Angleterre

Bristol est une ville située dans le sud-ouest de l’Angleterre, qui offre aux visiteurs une richesse culturelle, historique et naturelle. Voici quelques suggestions pour vous aider à planifier votre visite de Bristol en quelques jours :

  1. Visitez la Cathédrale Saint-Georges : cette belle cathédrale gothique est le point de repère le plus emblématique de Bristol. Elle remonte au 12ème siècle et offre des vues imprenables sur la ville.
  2. Faites une promenade sur le Harbourside : c’est l’endroit idéal pour se promener, manger, boire ou simplement profiter de la vue sur le port de Bristol. Vous pourrez également y visiter les musées d’histoire maritime, notamment le SS Great Britain.
  3. Visitez les street art : Bristol est réputée pour ses nombreux graffitis et peintures murales. Vous pourrez notamment visiter le fameux « The Bear Pit » qui est un lieu incontournable pour les amateurs d’art urbain.
  4. Visitez Clifton : c’est un quartier historique de Bristol, où vous pourrez visiter des bâtiments de style georgien, des jardins et le célèbre pont suspendu de Clifton.
  5. Faites une excursion à la campagne : Bristol est entourée de magnifiques paysages naturels, notamment les Cotswolds, le lac de Bristol et les collines de Mendip. Il est facile de s’échapper de la ville pour une journée de randonnée ou de vélo.
  6. Profitez de la vie nocturne : Bristol est réputée pour sa scène musicale et sa vie nocturne animée. Il y a de nombreux bars, clubs et salles de concert à explorer, notamment dans les quartiers de Clifton et de Clifton Downs.
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Weekend à Canterbury en Angleterre

Canterbury est une ville historique située dans le Kent, dans le sud-est de l’Angleterre. C’est un lieu de pèlerinage célèbre depuis des siècles et regorge de monuments historiques et de sites culturels. Voici quelques idées pour vous aider à planifier un week-end à Canterbury :

  • Visiter la Cathédrale de Canterbury : La Cathédrale de Canterbury est l’un des sites les plus célèbres d’Angleterre et est le lieu de pèlerinage le plus ancien du pays. C’est l’endroit où Thomas Becket, archevêque de Canterbury, a été assassiné en 1170. La cathédrale est un édifice magnifique, avec des fresques, des vitraux et des tombeaux de rois et d’archevêques.
  • Se promener dans les rues historiques de la ville : Canterbury est une ville médiévale avec des rues pavées et des bâtiments historiques. Il est agréable de se promener dans les rues pour découvrir les jolies maisons, les boutiques et les pubs.
  • Visiter le Musée de Canterbury : Le Musée de Canterbury est un lieu incontournable pour découvrir l’histoire de la ville. Il présente des expositions sur l’histoire locale, l’architecture, les costumes et les objets traditionnels.
  • Partir en excursion à la campagne : Les alentours de Canterbury sont magnifiques, avec des collines verdoyantes et des villages pittoresques. Il est possible de louer un vélo ou de prendre un bus pour explorer les environs.
  • Goûter les produits locaux : Le Kent est réputé pour ses fruits, ses légumes et ses cidres. Il est possible de déguster ces produits dans les restaurants et les pubs de la ville.
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Une journée à Douvres en Angleterre

Douvres est une ville côtière située dans le Kent, dans le sud-est de l’Angleterre, qui est célèbre pour ses falaises blanches, son port de plaisance et sa proximité avec le tunnel sous la Manche. Il y a de nombreuses choses à faire à Douvres, que vous soyez intéressé par l’histoire, la culture, les activités de plein air ou simplement les vacances à la plage. Si vous avez une seule journée à passer à Douvres, voici quelques activités que vous pourriez considérer pour en profiter au maximum :

  • Visiter la célèbre Douvres Castle : Ce château imposant a été construit au Moyen Âge par Guillaume le Conquérant et est l’un des sites les plus emblématiques de la région. Il offre une vue imprenable sur la ville et la mer, ainsi que des expositions sur l’histoire locale et les collections d’art. Il est possible de se promener dans les remparts et les cours intérieures pour découvrir l’histoire de ce château.
  • Admirer les falaises blanches de Douvres : Les falaises de Douvres sont célèbres pour leurs formations rocheuses uniques et leurs couleurs éclatantes. Il est possible de les admirer en se promenant sur les sentiers côtiers ou en prenant un bateau pour une vue imprenable sur la côte.
  • Visiter le port de plaisance : Le port de plaisance de Douvres est un lieu idéal pour flâner, manger et faire des achats. Il y a de nombreux restaurants et boutiques qui proposent des produits locaux. Vous pourriez y déguster des fruits de mer frais, des plats locaux ou encore faire du shopping.
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A few days in Perpignan, France

Perpignan is a charming city located in the south of France, known for its rich history, culture, and beautiful architecture. Here is a sample itinerary for a few days visit to Perpignan:

Day 1

  • Upon arrival, start your day with a visit to the historic center of Perpignan. The city is known for its charming medieval streets, and you can take a stroll along the narrow alleys and admire the colorful half-timbered houses. The city center is also home to several notable landmarks such as the Palace of the Kings of Majorca, the Castillet, and the Cathedral of Saint-Jean.
  • After a morning of sightseeing, head to the Place de la Loge, the city’s main square, for lunch. Perpignan is renowned for its gastronomy, and you can find many traditional Catalan restaurants and cafes here, serving local specialties such as « socca » (chickpea flour pancakes) or « pan amb tomaquet » (Catalan-style bread with tomato).
  • In the afternoon, take a leisurely stroll along the banks of the Basse, where you can enjoy the views of the city and the natural surroundings. You can also stop by the Palais des Rois de Majorque, a medieval palace that offers great views over the city and serves as a Museum.
  • Finish your day by exploring the city’s nightlife. Perpignan is known for its lively atmosphere, and you can find a variety of bars and clubs that stay open late.
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A weekend in Bayonne, France

Bayonne is a beautiful city located in the south-west of France, in the region of Nouvelle-Aquitaine, known for its rich history, culture, and gastronomy. Here is a sample itinerary for a weekend trip to Bayonne:

Day 1

  • Upon arrival, start your day with a visit to the historic center of Bayonne. The city is known for its charming medieval streets, and you can take a stroll along the narrow alleys and admire the colorful half-timbered houses. The city center is also home to several notable landmarks such as the Gothic-style Saint-Marie Cathedral, the Basque Museum, the Museum of Fine Arts, and the Bayonne Citadel.
  • After a morning of sightseeing, head to the Place des Halles, the city’s main square, for lunch. Bayonne is renowned for its gastronomy, and you can find many traditional Basque restaurants and cafes here, serving local specialties such as jambon de Bayonne, a cured ham, or a hearty dish of ‘piperade’ with omelette.
  • In the afternoon, take a leisurely stroll along the banks of the Adour River, where you can enjoy the views of the city and the natural surroundings. You can also stop by the Saint-Esprit bridge, which is a popular spot for taking photos, and the nearby Château-Vieux, a medieval castle that offers great views over the city.
  • Finish your day by exploring the city’s nightlife. Bayonne is known for its lively atmosphere, and you can find a variety of bars and clubs that stay open late.
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Tipping in France

In France, it is customary to leave a small tip for certain services, such as dining in restaurants, getting your hair cut, or taking a taxi. The amount of the tip is typically around 10% of the total bill, although this can vary depending on the level of service and the type of establishment.

When dining in a restaurant, it is common to leave a small tip for the server, usually between 5-10% of the total bill. If the service is exceptional, you may choose to leave a higher tip. If the service is poor or you’re not satisfied, it’s not necessary to leave a tip.

For taxi rides, it is also common to round up the fare to the nearest whole number or add a small amount on top, around 5-10% of the fare.

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The bus network in France

In France, there are several bus companies that provide transportation services for passengers. These companies operate both intercity and urban bus services. Here are some of the main bus companies in France:

  • Flixbus: This is a long-distance bus company that operates throughout France, as well as in other European countries. They offer a variety of services, including regular buses and luxury coaches, and they connect many cities and towns throughout the country.
  • Isilines: This company is a subsidiary of the French National Railway company (SNCF) and provides long-distance bus services, as well as international services to destinations in Europe.
  • Blablabus: This is a long-distance bus company that operates throughout France and Europe, it’s a subsidiary of the French National Railway company (SNCF) like Isilines.
  • Eurolines: This is a European bus company that operates services to and from France, connecting the country with other destinations in Europe.
  • RATP: This is a public transportation company that operates in the Paris region, it provides urban bus services and suburban bus services in the Paris region, connecting the city with its surrounding areas.
  • Transdev: This is a private transportation company that operates bus services in several French regions, it provides urban and suburban bus services, as well as intercity services.
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The train in France

In France, there are several railway companies that provide passenger and freight transportation services. The main railway companies in France are:

  • SNCF (Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Français): This is the French national railway company. It is responsible for managing high-speed trains (TGV), regional trains (TER), night trains (Intercités de Nuit) and international trains (Eurostar and Thalys). It also provides freight transportation services.
  • Keolis: This is a private railway company that manages regional transportation services for certain regions in France. It works in partnership with SNCF to manage TER services.
  • Transilien: This is a subsidiary of SNCF that is responsible for suburban trains around Paris.
  • RATP: This is a public transportation company that manages public transportation (metro, tramway, bus) in the Paris region. It is also in charge of suburban trains (Transilien) in the Paris region.
  • Eurotunnel: This is a railway company that operates the Channel Tunnel connecting France and England.

There are also other private railway companies that provide passenger transportation services in certain regions in France, such as Ouigo, Isilines, Idbus, Thello, and others.

In summary, SNCF is the main national railway company in France, it provides passenger and freight transportation services, it also works in partnership with other private railway companies to manage regional transportation services.

OuiGo, the low cost campagny

Ouigo is a low-cost high-speed train service in France. It is operated by the French national railway company, SNCF, and was launched in 2013. The company’s main goal is to offer affordable and fast train travel to people who are looking for a budget-friendly option.

Ouigo trains operate on the same high-speed tracks as the traditional TGV service, but with a few key differences. The trains have fewer amenities, such as fewer seating options and no buffet car, and the tickets are sold at a lower price point. Passengers can book their tickets online and choose from different fare options, such as standard, premium, or family fare.

Ouigo trains run on several key routes in France, including Paris-Marseille, Paris-Lyon, and Paris-Montpellier. The trains also serve several other destinations such as Nantes, Rennes, Bordeaux, and more. The company also offers international connections to destinations such as Barcelona and Madrid in Spain.

Ouigo is especially popular among budget-conscious travelers, students and young people, the company offers a simple, fast and affordable way to travel around France, It has become a strong competitor to the traditional TGV services offered by SNCF.

Overall, Ouigo offers a convenient and affordable option for travelers looking for a low-cost high-speed train service in France. With its simple fare options and easy online booking process, it makes travel around France more accessible for many people.

How to buy tickets ?

There are several ways to purchase a train ticket in France. Here are some of the most common options:

  1. Online: One of the most convenient ways to purchase a train ticket in France is through the SNCF website or the Ouigo website. You can browse available train schedules, select your departure and arrival points, and choose your preferred fare option. You can then pay for your ticket using a credit card or a debit card, and receive your electronic ticket via email.
  2. Self-service machines: You can also purchase your ticket from self-service machines at train stations. These machines are available in most major train stations and are easy to use. Simply select your departure and arrival points, choose your fare option, and pay with cash or a credit/debit card.
  3. Ticket offices: You can also purchase your ticket from a ticket office at a train station. The ticket offices are usually open during regular business hours, and you can speak to a representative to help you choose the best fare option and purchase your ticket.
  4. Through travel agencies: You can also buy your train ticket through travel agencies, they will help you find the best options and fares for your trip, and they can also help you with other travel-related services, like booking a hotel or a car rental.
  5. Using your phone: You can also purchase your train ticket using the SNCF or Ouigo mobile apps, the process is similar to the one when buying the ticket online, but it’s more convenient as you have the tickets on your phone and you can simply show it to the train conductor.

When buying your ticket, be sure to check the departure and arrival times, the fare options, and the seat reservation if necessary. It is also important to check the refund and exchange policy, as well as the conditions for bringing luggage and pets on board.